Intellect is a gift of God given to know and recognize the real you ............Ego or the false self is born when the thinker chases his thought and slowly becomes attached to the thought and the more closer he becomes to the thought the more he becomes the thought itself............Illusion or maya is born when the thinker can no more separate his true self from the initial thought and begins to believe that what he has become that is what he always was............To return to the intellect and separate his false self from the true self becomes a process that is fearful and confusing to him.........That confusion creates the individualized world that he sees clearly that others cannot...........Each being builds his own individualized world by the power of thought.......... A thought is a movement of the Self toward itself..........It is a tremor where the Self perceives itself outside itself.......... To release itself from a thought the Self must return to itself............ The Self must observe every single thought without seeing the thought as something that belongs to the Self..... The intellect is the storehouse of wisdom that can keep the Self true to itself......... Even though the Self observes time and the movement of time it remains detached from all that it experiences.......... Realization of the Self comes when the self uses the wealth of the intellect to keep itself still in the midst of the rapid movement of thought.......... Every human being is born with the gift to realize the truth..........the truth that is within the Self...........and is unspoken............ |